A woman is sitting at a counter with a toothache.

What is a Root Canal

What is a tooth root?

​A tooth is a living and breathing organ that requires the body to supply it nutrients. It is a dynamic being that has a blood and nervous supply. This supply is present in order to support the cellular ecosystem that makes up your tooth. This ecosystem is dedicated to the task of grinding up your food and preparing it for digestion.

​The tooth is fed by a blood and nerve supply through the tooth root. This tooth root will get oxygen, vitamins, proteins, and sugars in this fashion and maintain its strength as a result. But sometimes when there is excessive tooth decay, infection or trauma the nerve can be affected.

​If a disease process completely exposes a nerve in the tooth the tooth will be very sensitive. These nerves have the purpose of sensing the outside environment. They are sensitive to touch, pain, and position. If these nerves are agitated they can send intense painful signals to the brain telling your body that it is being attacked. This pain can be made worse by applying hot or cold food directly onto the nerve. If there is infection and bacteria interacts with the nerve then it can cause excruciating pain as well. That is why it is so crucial that you completely address the pain as the pain can last for as long as the nerve is exposed.

​This pain will not go away unless you see a dentist. The patient is able to take over the counter pain medications to help the ailment. There are medicines such as Tylenol and ibuprofen that are available for pain control. These medications can help with the pain but they cannot solve the underlying problem that is the exposed nerve tissue in your mouth.

​It is not advised that you apply anesthetic agents directly to the sore tooth. This is because this material is acidic and cause acid burns to the delicate exposed nerve. If that happens then your pain will be much worse in the future. The only way to solve this extreme tooth pain is to see a dentist for Root Canal therapy. Contact Triangle Dental Center today to learn more.

What is root canal therapy?

​The root canal problem can only be solved by root canal therapy. The root canal is able to be performed by a skilled dentist as it is delicate therapy dealing with exposed nerves. The dentist must first remove the nerve registering all of the painful sensations before the tooth can be cured of this painful disease.

​How is root canal therapy performed?

​The dentist must first use local anesthesia in order to numb the mouth.  This will ensure that the tooth is not registering pain during the manipulation of the nervous tissue.

​After the tooth is numb the dentist must prepare the tooth so that the nerve can be extracted. The dentist will drill down the surrounding enamel in order to gain proper access to the tooth. Once the enamel is broken down and the nerve is completely exposed the dentist can use his skill to extract all of the nerve. Sometimes a tooth can have as many as 4 tooth roots. This means that all of the roots may need to be evacuated. Once this is done the pain should be completely taken care of.

​So what next?

​Once the tooth is completely drilled down the dentist will need to rebuild the tooth by putting cement in the tooth root. This will prevent bacterial infiltration and further irritation of the tooth's nerves. Then he will build up the core of the tooth and place an artificial crown as a final finish.

​Once you come out of you root canal you will not even notice that the tooth is there. The pain will be completely controlled and you will be completely out of pain.

​Our office is highly skilled at root canals due to the usage of microscopes to proper visualize your nerve. We will make sure that all nervous tissue is evacuated and that your pain is taken care of correctly. Call us now if you have more questions about root canal theray (919) 804-0749

What is Root Canal Therapy

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