A model of a person 's teeth with a blue background

Dental Bridge Overview

The dental bridge is an prosthetic agent used in order to make sure your smile, bite, and nutritional status is preserved. Often times a person will loose a tooth and they will come to their dentist. They will ask is there any way to fix the gap in their smile without using dentures. Many people want a permanent fixture that can function like a regular tooth. They want something they can brush, floss and clean just like a regular tooth. They want something that can "bridge" the gap. And that is where the dental bridge comes in. It is essentially two dental crowns with a prosthetic tooth in the middle. The dental crowns are place on either side of the prosthetic tooth in order to anchor the tooth into the mouth. It is cemented in place and is meant to be a permanent fixture unlike a denture. The denture must be taken out of the mouth and cleaned separately. The denture also has the disadvantage of actually coming out of the mouth when sneezing or chewing. The dental bridge has no such issues and thus is a popular alternative to dentures. Contact Triangle Dental Center today to learn more.

​The dental bridge has to be done by an experienced dentist because it can be very uncomfortable if it is done by the wrong person. And because it is a permanent fixture replacing this dental bridge with a new one is not a fun process. There is also a lot of finesse that goes into dental bridge placement. There has to be meticulous pre-planning that must be done in order to place your dental bridge. Our dentist have been doing dental bridges for years and are highly adept at bridge placement. If you need a dental bridge today call our office number at 919-835-1998

A dental bridge is a very delicate process that can be powerful if done correctly. If you need a dental bridge placed it includes two dental crowns as well as a prosthetic tooth. First the dentist must make sure he can visualize exactly now the dental bridge will be place in your mouth. Then he must create it.

​In order to realize your dental bridge the dentist must first use local anesthesia in order to make sure you are completely numb. Then the dentist can go to work. The dentist will prepare the tooth before and after the tooth that is missing. He will do dental crowns on the teeth by drilling down the tops of the teeth. This part of the tooth is called enamel. The dentist will prepare this portion of your tooth for the dental crowns.  This takes experience to know how the fashioned dental crowns will fit on top of the teeth.  Once the dentist is done drilling he will take an impression of your tooth to make sure that he can make the right fitting dental crown. This impression will give the dentist a carbon copy of your tooth structure so he can make the dental bridge in its likeness.

​The dentist will then make a temporary dental bridge in order to make sure your teeth do not move after he has drilled them.  This is because teeth in your jaw are dynamic and when there is a change the teeth will respond in kind by moving to fill in any spaces. The temporary dental bridge will be used to make sure there is no movement in your mouth after he takes the impression.

​The patient will then go home while the permanent dental bridge is created. Once the dental bridge is ready the patient will come back to the office and make sure that the gap is filled in their bite. The dentist will remove the temporary dental bridge and place the permanent dental bridge in the patients mouth. The permanent dental bridge will be placed in the mouth using a cement like material.

​After this dental bridge is place it can be maintained like a regular tooth with flossing, brushing and cleaning being completely the same.

​That's it! Now your smile is perfected, your bite is normalized and your life is back to the way it should be.

How is a dental bridge made

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